I have been SO bad.....
I haven't blogged in
forever and ever.
But in my defense.... we have been very busy since our return from Key West.
The usual...work, work, cheer, cheer, and added to the mix Hailey auditioned and was casted in a role in the Tar River Players production of A Christmas Carol.
So in addition to school, tumbling, cheer... we add rehearsals to the mix.
I'm getting a little off subject here, but just this morning I was thinking about Hailey and her over achieverness (I'm aware that's not a word, but I'm known to make up descriptive words every now and then).
Just the other day she brought her report card home....straight A's yet again. She has never had a 'B' on a report card before. I kinda dread it for her if, and probably when, she ever does. She takes everything so seriously. She is the only 5th grader I know that stays up the night before tests studying until 10pm...
because she wants to. Sometimes I'm going to bed and peak in at her. She's sitting at her desk studying away like a high schooler or college student would.
She flies on a senior level competitive cheer squad... and takes it very seriously. Practices at home
all the time, and then at the gym with her team for several hours a week.
And then she comes to me and begs to audition for a role in a local perfoming group's Christmas performance. And after she makes a very good case for why she should be allowed to audition, a great experience and all that... I relent, thinking it's only a couple of months and then it's done...
if she even gets a role.
secretly doubted she would.
They had two nights of auditions and the night she went it was
packed with people trying out. She went in and grabbed a script and came back out to the car where I was waiting with Bella and Kat. She ran through the lines a couple of times and, I have to admit, I was impressed.
And then I started to worry....uh oh....she might just get a role in this.
And two days later, when the cast list was emailed out.....she did. So we are juggling that right now too.
And while I love that my child is so driven in life ( her pediatrician assured me she would be based on her head strong nature as a baby...haha), I realize that, with this child, I will have to moderate how much she takes on. I have assurred her that after this production runs in December....it's cheer and school
only for her!
On another note, Mary Kathryn has started a cheer team at the same gym and
loves it. I love seeing her little personality develop. While she is a hard worker, she is also more laid back than Hailey...
so far.
And Bella is still Bella....fun loving, high spirited, head strong (
uh oh), and sweet as can be.
Now....for what I promised a month ago.....pictures from Key West. Enjoy!