The Christmas tree is up and decorated!!! We set it up this past Friday so we could let the branches "fall out" and make sure the lights were still working. Luckily they were and I was able to go on and arrange the ribbons on the tree. It actually took a couple of days to do this because I would put some on and come back and move them around and put some more on. By Sunday night I had it all arranged and we were able to decorate it on Monday evening. Hailey and Mary Kathryn were sooo excited! We let them watch Polar Express and dragged all the ornaments out and just let them go at it. Michael fixed us all hot chocolate with cinnamon and red and green sprinkles on top ( the girls thought that was just the best thing!) I did have to do a little adjusting of the ornaments when they were done because most of them had ended up right at their eye level! Now that the tree is done I've been gradually trying to decorate the rest of the house and hopefully it will be done by Thanksgiving. It's amazing how just having the tree up can really get you in the holiday spirit! A couple of toy catalogs came in the mail last week and the girls have been looking at them every chance they get! Mary Kathryn has been circling the things she wants and there are quite a few circles in those books (she's at that indecisive age:) Hailey, on the other hand, has been carefully writing her list. She has about 5 or 6 things listed that she REALLY wants and has them ranked in order of how much she wants them. That should make things pretty easy for Santa!!! Most importantly, we have been talking about the true meaning of Christmas and what the season is really about. So happy we also have our church family to share it with this year!!!
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