Can't believe it is March already! Since my last blog we have announced our 3rd and last baby is on her way and will be here sometime in July! I will be 20 weeks this upcoming weekend. 5 months down, 4 to go!! Very glad the horrible nausea and vomiting has gone away! I am very lucky to have had the help of my husband, mother in law, friends, and the best coworkers I could ever ask for! I have no idea what I would have done without them! So, we had our 17week ultrasound a few weeks ago and found out we are having a little girl! Hailey and Mary Kathryn are super excited to be getting a little sister and I know they will all have a good time growing up together. We have decided to name this newest addition Isabella Faith and call her Bella. She is already a very active baby and moves around all day (and night) long. Now that I am about half way there and getting bigger, I am having to use almost all of the pillows on our bed to get comfortable sleeping at night. Poor Michael is lucky to get one pillow to lay his head on at night! Luckily, I have a wonderful husband who does not mind! We are definitely each others best friend and our priority is always on each other, our family together, and of course, first and foremost, God. Thank you Lord for giving us each other! Next on our agenda is to have an additional bedroom prepared for the baby. We will be walling in the upstairs living area that we never use and have it made into a

bedroom. That should be done sometime at the end of April/early May. Since it has been 5 years since Mary Kathryn was born, I have gotten rid of almost all our baby stuff. So getting everything she will need will also be on my to- do list. It has been so long I really can't remember what all she will need! I need to start a list!! This Friday we will be getting a 3d-4d u/s. The girls are really excited about this. Can't wait!
Also since my last blog Hailey turned 8 years old. My goodness how time flies! We are so blessed to have our Hailey. She is so responsible, caring, always thinks of others and their feelings and we couldn't be prouder of her. She had a great birthday/slumber party w/ a total of 11 little girls. Thank you, thank you, thank you Trina, Victoria, and Cassidy for your help w/ that. Ya'll are the best! Can't believe we will soon be registering Mary Kathryn for kindergarten! She is so excited about going to big girl school with Hailey in the fall. I will sure miss our week days together but I know she will love school!
I am going to try and be much more vigilant about updating my blog in the coming months. I don't want to miss documenting any of the many changes in our family. I know we will want to look back at this time in our lives one day! Right now we are living and enjoying every moment!