Mary Kathryn lost her very first tooth last week!! Her bottom, right tooth had been loose for weeks. She was so worried that it was going to hurt to fall out, that she had resorted to eating only soft foods and absolutely refused to let anyone pull it for her. Then, one morning at school, she realized the tooth was gone. So, we are not sure if it fell out or if she swallowed it. Oh well, the tooth fairy, in her magical wisdom, still knew all about Mary Kathryn's loose tooth and left her a treat under her pillow that night:) These little girls are just growing up way too fast! What a big girl my Mary Kathryn is becoming!!
Bella finally started crawling this past week and boy is she in to EVERYTHING!! As soon as we put her down she darts off and finds the first electrical cord, magazine, or small, invisible to everyone else object lying on the floor. What a wonderful incentive to keep my floors completely clean and vaccuumed constantly!! We are definitely going to have to get some baby gates put up at the top and bottom of the staircase asap. Childproofing is in full swing at our house right now:) Here is a video of Bella from last week right after she put it all together and took off crawling. And I am using the channel changer to lure her. She loves it....
This past weekend we headed to Myrtle Beach, SC for the Thundercats second national competition this year. And after much hard work and persistence these little girls are now first place national champions!!! Needless to say, Hailey was thrilled (and Mommy, Daddy, Marykathryn and Bella were too!!). Below are some pictures we took during the competition....
Not only did we have an awesome time watching our Thundercats perform and bring home the national title, but we also had so much fun enjoying the beautiful weather at the pool and beach....
Planet Hollywood was AWESOME!!.....
What a fun weekend we had and all three girls were so well behaved! Hope they are equally as good for our next trip!
The girls in their Nat'l Champion jackets!....
We are just so very proud of Hailey, all of her fellow Thundercats, and of course coach Stephanie!!!
And now we are looking forward to going to Baltimore, MD for another national competition next week!!
I am very late on this post, but better late than never!! Bella is growing so fast! It never ceases to amaze me at how quickly a baby changes and grows during the first year of life. We are so very, very blessed to have all 3 of our girls and with the addition of Bella, we are just overflowing with happiness and love! So here is Bella's monthly update.... Growth- She weighs 17.4 pounds! Feedings- 5-6 ounces of breastmilk every 3- 3 1/2hours. Her favorite food to eat is rice cereal mixed with apples or bananas! Her daily food schedule consists of nursing around 6:30am and then again around 9:30am. She also gets rice cereal mixed with breastmilk and a container of fruit with her 9:30am feeding (apples & pears are favorites). She nurses again at lunchtime and eats a container of fruit and a veggie. (squash or sweet potatoes are the only ones she will eat right now, but we keep reintroducing others in hopes she will develop a taste for them). Her next feeding is at 3:30pm and then again at 6pm. With her dinner feeding she has rice cereal w/ mixed fruit and a veggie. Bella nurses again at bedtime(around 7:30pm). Her nighttime sleep has sure been messed up this month due to her being sick:( Sleep- She sleeps a 1 hour nap every 3 to 4 hours during the day when at home. The couple of days a week she is at the sitters, she is entirely too nosy watching the other children to sleep like she should! Bella is a tummy sleeper!(gets that from me!) She absolutely will not sleep on her back anymore and will flip onto her stomach no matter what position she is layed in. Play- Bella LOVES to play sitting on the floor surrounded by lots of toys! Noah's Ark and alphabet barnyard are her current favorites. She still likes to play in her exersaucer, but her new fav is the jumperoo.....
Development- Bella is saying Mama, Dada, and Baba! She trys to wave her hand around while saying baba, so I am going to imagine she is trying to say bye bye:) And speaking of bye-bye, this month has also brought with it... seperation anxiety! This means she has developed object permanence (the ability to remember objects and people when they are no longer present.)So now when Michael or I walk out of the room, Bella watches like a hawk, and when we get out of site she just crumples and the crying begins. Hope this is a short phase!! *Favorite thing to do this month*- Cuddle, say "Mama" and "Dada" and "Baba", play with her Little Peoples Noah's ark, sit in the grass on warm days and watch the cats, and..... as always,play with her sissies!!! Silly Girls!!