Bella is 10 months!!
And boy is her little personality really starting to shine! She loves to cuddle and snuggle but when she's ready to play....well she's ready to play! Keeping up with two on-the-go older sisters has her perfecting what I call her "speed crawl". When she takes off speed crawling, she can just about beat me to whatever she's heading to. Bella has a very outgoing, playful personality and just loves everyone. Here is her 10 month update....
Feedings~ Bella drinks approx 5 ounces of breastmilk every 4 hours. She eats rice cereal and a jar of baby food at breakfast and then later has a snack of cheerios, gerber cheese puffs, or banana puffs for snack around 10am. I give her a sippy cup of water at snack time and she will sip on it a little, but overall she's not too interested in her cup right now. After about 5 minutes it usually is tossed onto the floor and attempts to give it back are followed by an immediate return to the floor:)Lunchtime consists of baby food and breastmilk. Her favorite food right now is Gerber's banana yogurt. Bella has another snack when the girls have their afterschool snack around 3:30pm and then dinner around 6 consists of approximately 2 jars of baby food or she will eat something we are eating, such as mashed potatoes or green beans diced very small. We discovered while out to eat at Olive Garden that Bella absolutely LOVES a lemon. She sucked all the juice out of every lemon wedge on the table. That's funny, because all I liked to drink with all three pregnancies was lemonade. I went through a container a week. Maybe that has something to do with it? Whatever the case, give this child a lemon and she's a happy girl!
Sleep~ I really wish I could say that Bella is sleeping through the night, but unfortunately she is still waking at least once to nurse. I'm pretty sure that this is out of habit since it is around the same time every night. So we are in the process of phasing that feeding out. Bella takes two naps on days she is home. One at 9:30am and another short nap around 1:45pm. Bedtime has been 7pm since Bella was just a few months old and she has never given us any problems with it at all.
Play~ Bella LOVES to play! She has a play area set up in our livingroom and her favorite thing to do is take all her toys out. She will stand at her toybox until she has thrown every last toy out of the box and then she will sit down to play. For a good five minutes after she is put in her play area all you can hear is the sound of digging and toys hitting the floor. Every time. It is so funny! She is still loving standing at her activity table, and her other new favorite thing to do is climb in and out of her bumbo chair. Even though she has technically outgrown it, we put it in her play area and she thinks it's this great new toy she can play with. Bella also is having a great time splashing around in her baby pool. She has always loved the bathtub so playing in her pool was a sure thing. And last, but not least, as always, she absolutely adores playing with her sissies!!:)
Development~ Bella finally has her first tooth coming up!! It is on the bottom, right hand side and has really been causing her to be fussy lately. I will sure be glad when it finally breaks through and I'm sure she will too! Bella is pulling up and cruising furniture. She has stood for a few seconds at the time without support but not regularly yet. She waves bye bye and will also wave and smile when she sees her daddy or I come in from work:)

Favorite things to do this month~ Bella loves cuddling, giving kisses, "singing", which really consists of her making one long noise in a sing songy voice whenever she hears a ballad type song come on. She loves to dance! I really must get this on video because I will regret it if I don't have it to look back on. Speed crawling, climbing, clearing out her toybox, and playing pat-a-cake and peek-a-boo.

Bella is such a joy to us and we all love watching her grow and learn! We just love you to pieces Bella Bee!!!

She is just Gorgeous!! I love reading all about what she's doing these days, she just seems like a total joy and what a perfect addition to your family! What a sweet Bella!
our baby girl is 10 months too. it is fun to compare. bella is so cute. i love that she empties out the toy box before she can play.
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