It's been a while since I've posted some of my favorite things and since that is constantly changing, it's probably about time to update:)
#1 Thank you to this
lovely blog friend, I now have this awesome iphone cover. Love the color, it makes me seriously happy. You should check her blog out. She has the cutest style:)
How did I ever survive without my Erin Condren planner? I've had it for a couple of months now and it has made my life so much easier. So much better than my former planners and a whole lot cuter too:)
#3 I'm really int all of Essie's bright summer colors. I especially love the color Watermelon.

#4This necklace came from
Vestique and it has quickly became one of my favorites. I wore it with this coral dress to a wedding and the colors were so pretty together. It is well made and very affordable. I have definitely gotten my money's worth out of it. I wear it all the time!

#5 This has been a long time coming. 11 years in fact! My husband and I are taking a trip to Key West, FL at the end of August....with no kids!! We have had only one 2 night trip since we spent the week together in Gatlinburg for our wedding almost 11 years ago. Mostly, I am an overprotective mother who can't fathom the thought of leaving her children with someone else for any extended amount of time. Another part of me feels that if I am spending the money on a great trip, I want it to be something that the kids can participate and enjoy in too. Then there's that little part of me who thinks
Wouldn't it be awesome to spend a vacation actually relaxing, spending one on one time with my husband, and not planning things around nap times?? So I gave in and booked the kids. I think now that the girls are 10,7, and 2, my husband and I are due for some well deserved alone time!
And here's where we'll be spending it!!
Casa Marina~

P.S. Don't feel too sorry for the kids. We're taking them to Myrtle Beach for 5 days next week:)
A few favorite things that never change.....Coffee, anything pumpkin, mint oreo cookies, moscato, mexican food!!
I am SO GLAD that you booked your trip!!!! Your marriage is worth it, and that time just the two of you will be a true vacation!!!!
Love my Erin Conderen planner too. Already saving up for a 2013 one :)
You will love the Casa Marina! Spend lots of time in hammocks on the beach and enjoy dinner on the sand!!! My hubby and I stayed there before our daughter was born and had the best time! The Popsicles served poolside you yummy!
I love the necklace! We are having family photos this weekend and the photographer recommends bold colors and accent jewelry! Can I borrow that? haha We are hoping to get away sometime this summer to celebrate our 10 year anniversary. I hope you all have a wonderful trip. Your hotel/resort looks amazing!!!! :)
You are so sweet! I'm super jealous of your planner...I've been wanting one for forever!
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