No, we are not moving right now (though living at the beach does hold a certain appeal!) But in our lives right now this move is almost as equally exciting for us. This past week has marked a special milestone for Bella. She has made the big move from sleeping in our room to now sleeping in the crib in her very own room! Since we brought her home from the hospital Bella has graduated from the cosleeper attatched to the side of our bed to the playpen next to our bed and now to the crib in her room across the hall. Over the past few weeks she has grown increasingly fussy and fretful during the night, waking at the slightest noise. So, we decided that maybe it was time she slept in her own room. The very first night she went down at 7:30pm and woke only once at 1:30am to eat and then slept until 6am the next morning. And let me just say it has been so nice to be able to watch tv in our room at night or get up to the bathroom without tiptoeing! It looks like Miss Bella is now finally enjoying the nursery we worked so hard on for her this spring!
What a big girl my Bella bee is becoming! Stay tuned for our adventures in homemade baby food coming soon:)
We sure did enjoy our Christmas this year! Michael was off for the entire week of Christmas, praise the Lord, and we were able to spend it as a family. We had such a good time finishing up our holiday shopping together and visiting with friends and family. By the time Christmas morning came the girls were just about brimming over with excitement to find out what Santa had left them. Here is what our living room looked like after Santa left on Christmas eve.....
Mary Kathryn was thrilled to see the dollhouse she has been dreaming of and lots of presents and pretty clothes.
Does she look excited or what?!
Hailey has been wanting a desk for her room and zebra striped bedding so this is what Santa left to Hailey's delight.
She actually said she is ready to have some homework so she can use her new desk! But then again, Hailey actually loves doing homework!:) (This picture kinda breaks my heart. She looks so old in this picture!)
Here is Hailey's bed after adding the pink leopard and zebra comforter Mema & Grandaddy gave to her to the bedding and pillow Santa left.
And check out the awesome luggage from Aunt Crystal and Uncle Chris!
Santa even left Bella an activity center and some chew toys in her stocking!
And here she is chewing away...
She just loves the Grinch stuffed animal from Abby and Grandma in Ohio!!
And I'm thinking Bella is feeling really pretty in her new minky dot "Bella" outfit from Aunt Crystal!
And no Christmas morning is complete without a great breakfast! Just look at this yummy monkey bread we enjoyed along with Crystal's delicious breakfast casserole. The monkey bread recipe came from several friend's blogs and I can now see what all the hype was about! Michael and the girls finished it up by the next morning! Here is a link to Tara's monkey bread recipe that I used. But be prepared to gain some calories. Once you take a bite of this bread it's hard to stop eating!
Last but not least is a video of the girls coming down on Christmas morning. Hope you enjoyed our Christmas morning tour! Thanks for visiting!!:)
What a busy month December always is! I try to post at least once a week but I find two weeks have passed and I am now playing catch up. So here are some of the highlights from our last two weeks:)
Weekend before last the girls had the honor of singing with the other kids in the children's choir at our church's Hanging of the Greens ceremony. It was absolutely beautiful!....the singing and the decorations!
The following Saturday we had a surprise treat of an early snow. To say the kids were excited is an understatement! Here are some of the pictures we took in the snow...
Then this Saturday we traveled to Greensboro, NC for Hailey's first cheerleading competition of the season. Below are the pictures I was able to take between getting Hailey ready and in the right place at the right time. I have to say that it was not as chaotic as I thought it would be. The girls did a great job and placed 4th! Over the next few months they will be competing in national competitions in Charlotte, Myrtle Beach, and Baltimore, Maryland so we will be plenty busy with all the traveling coming up. Thank goodness Bella is a good car rider!:)
Hailey, Taylor and Coach Stephanie
Now that I am caught up I will have lots of upcoming posts on all the holiday fun! Hope everyone is taking time to remember the Reason for the Season!:)
Okay, so this post is a little late. Bella is now 4 months and 2 weeks old! But at least now I have her stats from her 4 month checkup. So here is her monthly update!
Growth- She weighs 14 pounds now and is 24 inches long!
4-5 ounces of breastmilk every 3 hours. ( She is drinking much better from the bottle now while I am at work.) She also eats 2-3 spoonfuls of rice cereal. ( She is not a big fan yet)
She sleeps a 1 hour nap every 3 hours during the day. Recently, she has been waking up several times during the night. We have been doing our best to get her back on her nightly sleep schedule. And to Grace and Tara, I am relieved that you both blogged about sleep issues around the 4 month mark! I have also looked it up on the Babywise blog and found a whole post dedicated to 4 month sleep issues. It must be a common enough problem for other moms following this method. Hope this stage passes quickly!!
Bella is rolling over!! Yay! She also loves her jumperoo and still loves her playmat. Her Little People Barnyard has also become a favorite. She loves hearing the different animal sounds. Bathtime and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse are still favorites as well. And of course her sisters are always entertaining!
Rolling over, grabbing at things, and putting her paci in her mouth. Here is a video of Bella rolling over. It takes her a couple of minutes, but she finally gets it! (Press the pause button on the playlist to here the video)
*Favorite thing to do this month*- Roll over, sit up with support, and chew on her hand!!
Bella has been such a blessing to us and we are just loving her to pieces! As one of her little outfits reads, she is now " Just one of the girls"!!