Our Happily Ever After~ Making the best out of what life throws at us!
Thursday, July 5, 2012
A little bit of this and a little bit of that;)
As usual, I am always playing catch up on my blog. I think if I get a few posts in a month then I'm doing good!
A couple of weeks ago we took off with the girls for Myrtle Beach for the week. We have fabulous family friends that let us stay at their place right on the ocean. It was so nice to be able to walk out our door and right onto the beach. The location was wonderful with lots of other children, an ocean side restaraunt that had a live band every night and fireworks over the water that we could watch right from our porch. This week was all about the girls (My husband and I have our own little vacation coming soon;). We filled it with lots boogy boarding, pooltime, walks on the boardwalk, ice cream, shopping, you name it! This is our second visit this year but the first one was packed full of cheer competition stuff so we made sure to do all the things we didn't get to do last time!
And just for fun here is a video of Bella dancing on the beach. She is quite a dancer in my humble opinion;)
Well, all good things must come to an end and after our week was over we headed back to home and work. Unfortunately, Michael was scheduled to work July 4th (along with every other holiday this year, I think). So the girls and I spent it together. We started out, as we do with all holidays big and small, learning about the history of the holiday. Why we celebrate it. I think it is so important and a vital part of my job as a parent, not to allow my children to grow up thinking important holidays are only about cookouts, presents, food, ect. So while we did have fun celebrating we also had a good time learning all about why we were celebrating!
Next on the agenda to celebrate is Bella's 2nd Birthday July 17th! And with that comes her 2 year update. If you'd like to look back over her life I have month by month updates of Bella's first year and then every 6 months during her 2nd year.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!:)
What a fun week at the beach!!!!
Love that dancing video!
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