Half of a year has gone by....Really?!!! My goodness how time has flown by since July 17th! Little Bella is just growing by leaps and bounds and her personality is definitely starting to shine.
She weighs 16.6 pounds!
5-6 ounces of breastmilk every 3- 3 1/2hours.
( She has been boycotting the bottle a little bit lately. I
am hoping this is just a phase.) Her favorite food to eat is
bananas! Each night she eats a container of bananas mixed
with rice cereal and breastmilk. She is becoming an expert
at eating from a spoon! She will even open her mouth and lean
forward for bites now. We have also introduced pears (which she
really likes), sweet potatoes (not a favorite of hers yet), and
avocodos ( she LOVES these but they make her tummy gassy so we
have put them on hold for now).
She sleeps a 1 hour nap every 3 to 4 hours during the day
when at home. The couple of days a week she is at the
sitters, she is entirely too nosy watching the other
children to sleep like she should! We also graduated from
swaddling her at night. She is getting way too long for
that now.(This makes me a little sad...sniff, sniff)
Bella is rolling over!! Yay! She also loves her jumperoo,
discovery exersaucer, jenny jumpup and she loves to sit up
by herself or supported by her boppy. (We have sure gotten our use out
of the boppy!!) Bella is still a waterbaby and LOVES her bathtime.
Here is a video of Bella at playtime.....
Rolling around, sitting up by herself, saying "Mama", grabbing at
objects large and small, then putting them right in her mouth!
Chewing on anything and everything. Smiling, talking, deep belly
laughing (so cute!). Last ,but not least, she loves to stand up with
someone holding and supporting her.
*Favorite thing to do this month*- Cuddle, say "Mama" and "Dada"!, play with her toys,find tags on anything and chew them, and as always,play with her sissies!!!
Just look how much baby Bella has grown these past 6 months!!!:)
Happy Half Birthday Bella!!!!

OH my goodness! She is just the cutest!! I love her playtime video, she is so happy. What a sweet girl, I can't believe she is 6 months old!
What a sweetie!!! I can't believe she's 6 months old?!? Time flies!!!
I was just able to watch the video! I laughed and laughed at the ending! I have so many videos of Ruthie toppling, so cute!!
She is growing so fast -- and I figured out how to leave a comment. Love you Erika and Michael and girls .... aunt lisa
These blogs are simply the best, I love to read them! Your girls are gorgeous just like you, so happy for you!! =-)
Thanks Kataya!!:)
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