Here they are in order starting from October 2009 to now.....
October 2009

Mary Kathryn riding the Carousel at the mall in Wilmington while Michael was at K9 trials.
March 2010

Hailey with Daddy at Kanki after going to see Bella in 4D ultrasound at Triangle Imaging Center. Great night!
Easter 2010

Hailey and her good friend Claire celebrating Easter at West Edgecombe Baptist Church.
April 25, 2010

Eating at McDonald's on the way to visit the Aquarium on a beach trip for Mary Kathryn's 5th birthday.
April 25, 2010

Hailey & Mary Kathryn watching the divers in the shark tank at the aquarium in Atlantic Beach. They both have a fascination with anything SHARK!
April 25, 2010

Mary Kathyrn playing on the beach on her birthday weekend.
April 25, 2010

Beach Fun!!
April 25, 2010

Hailey at the Beach.
May 2010

My 1st Baby Buy!!!
May 2010

First day of pregnancy that I wore actual maternity scrub pants to work. SO comfy!! Happy that Jordan is able to enjoy the comfort of them now!!:)
June 2010

Mary Kathryn at her dance recital.
June 2010

June 2010

Dance Recital 2010
June 2010

Just Dance!!
June 2010

8 months pregnant!
June 2010

Nine months pregnant at the pool. SCARY, I know, but I had 2 little girls who LOVE swimming!!
June 2010

Hailey & Daddy
June 2010

June 2010

Hailey & Mary Kathryn with their buddies Hunter & Gavin at the pool.
June 2010

June 2010

Aren't my nails pretty?!
July 4, 2010

Mary Kathryn at the fireworks.
July 4, 2010

July 4, 2010

Fireworks! Unfortunately Michael was working but he was able to stop by and see us for a little while before the fireworks. The 4th is a busy night for law enforcement!
This concludes Part I of "Our life told by my Blackberry". These are the last of the pre~Bella pictures. Part II are pictures starting on the day of her birth and go through the present. Stay Tuned!!
And for all of you that read our blog please don't be shy! I would LOVE to hear your comments!:)
P.S. Please forget you ever saw the beached whale picture of me 9 months at the pool! Thanks!!:)

Oh I love these glimpses into life captured by our phones! And I personally think you look fantastic at 9 months in a bathing suit!
You looked AWEsome at 9months pregnant!! And I love the bathing suit! I bet the water felt great. I loved the recap, those girls are just gorgeous!!
I stumbled upon your blog from Grace's blog, my husband is also in law enforcement. I love this idea, I may have to steal it and do it on my blog! I have tons of pictures on my phone that go back to the birth of my daughter that I've forgotten all about. Great idea!
I guess it’s safe to say that you’re a diehard BB fan! Well, I’m not totally surprised! :) It sure is reliable in keeping files and taking pictures as well. No blurry areas, whatsoever. It must’ve been nice to see your kids, your family, grow through the help of your BB. :)
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmfuck look at mary kathryn's sexy pink panties i would have so much fun getting those off and giving her an orgasm
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