This is the first picture I took of Bella in the hospital...

And this picture was taken the next day. I took off the hospital shirt and replaced it with a gown that had been worn by her sisters.

And these are a couple of random pics taken right after we brought her home

This upload was sent to me via text from Chrystal at summer camp. Hailey left just a few days after Bella was born and was gone for a week! It was her first time going to camp and yet another big milestone in our lives that week.

Such a good carseat rider...

And lots more of new baby Bella....

Hailey & Bella on our way back from cheer practice. First snow of the season and Bella's first ever, so we pulled over and took a quick picture. Can't really see the snow but still a good shot:)

Happy Thursday Morning!

Pretty in polka dots

Bella in her new highchair. And may I just say the fisher price spacesaver is the way to go! She can sit at the table with the rest of the family and it doesn't take up any extra space. Perfect!

Mary Kathryn does love her chocolate milk!

Mary Kathryn in pjs and pigtails at her class Christmas party

Two excited girls this past Christmas eve

Enjoyed some Mary Kathryn & Mommy time at the circus

This mobile upload was taken in our backyard infront of the pond. I love this sweet little sweater Aunt Crystal gave her.

I love this picture of all three girls. I think it shows so much of their personalities.

February 18th 2011 annual birthday sleepover. The day before Hailey's 9th birthday. That's right 11 little girls are pictured here. (And another one arrived after this pic was taken). Definitely had my hands full and also had one sick little Bella on my hands.(See next picture)

Oh, poor baby! She is still recoving from a bout with RSV (a very common virus that leads to mild, cold-like symptoms in adults and older healthy children but can be more serious in young babies)and a double ear infection. There have been many sleepless nights for her and I this week.

The last of my mobile pics was taken yesterday. I wish I had a video of the squeals of delight that could be heard coming from my living room after I gave Bella this toy!

And that concludes my journey through the past year of our lives as documented by my blackberry. Click here to see Part I of ~ Our life told by my Blackberry~. So many wonderful memories that I am so thankful for being blessed with and so thankful that I can enjoy and look back on. Hope you enjoyed the journey as much as I did!:)

How fun to look back and see her in those baby pictures! So sorry that she's been battling RSV. Praying for a quick recovery and more sleep for both of you!
Oh my gosh! You poor thing and poor Bella! I hope you're back to 100%! And, yes, that space saver high chair is the best!! I'm so glad we went with that one instead of a freestanding one. Question for you, do you always strap her in? Love all your pictures, more evidence of your Super Mom capabilities!! And such gorgeous girls!
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