through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish
infinitely more than we might ask or think."
Ephesians 3:20
Thank you SO much for the comments and emails on my prayer request. I recieved the most encouraging words and am forever grateful for those that took the time to say a prayer for me or just offer words of advice. I am so very thankful:)
The most amazing thing about most of the response I recieved from this post, is that almost everyone advised me to follow my heart, go with my gut, have faith in God. Sometimes it is hard to push the "what ifs" aside and have faith that all will work out. I am an overanalyzer for sure, but I am putting my faith and trust in God's plan for my family. Once I made the decision to go back prn, I felt as if a weight was lifted from me and I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I was making the right decision.
I know deep down that being home as much as possible, even if some sacrifices have to be made, is what is best for our family. So my decision, giving up a "secure" position for a more "riskier" but flexible one, was ultimately easy in the end. Now I am praying that the transition from my full time position to the prn position is a smooth one with no "kinks" to get in the way. It's funny though, now that I have decided to follow my heart, the sense of worry I felt when trying to make this decision has disappeared and has been replaced with a sense of peace that I am headed down the right path and that everything will fall into place:)
Thank you for praying me through:)

So glad to hear this Erika! I'll keep you and your family in my prayers!
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