Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Liebster Award!

Good Morning!

The Living every moment blog has been awarded the Liebster Award by a dear friend from high school, Tara, at The Dew Family blog. I love reading her blog and it is one of the first ones I go to when I have time to sit down and catch up on blog reading. I consider myself very lucky to have reconnected with her through our blogs several years ago. Thank you Tara for thinking of me for nomination!

Liebster is a German word and means, sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing and welcome. The award is given to followers with less than 200 followers. I feel so honored that she chose me!

Tara gave me 11 questions to answer about myself:

1. What made you start blogging?

A friend of mine, who oddly enough, no longer blogs anymore, linked her blog posts to facebook where I began reading about her life raising her little boy. I loved the idea of documenting our lives to one day look back on. Also, I have family all over who we don't always get to see and I wanted them to be able to keep up with us.

2. How did you meet your husband?

I was a freshman at Peace College and he was a senior at NC State. We met through mutual friends.

3. What is one thing on your "bucket list?"

Visit England. It's something I have always dreamed of. Now that my mom works for Glaxo, I am trying to convince her to take me with her on one of her business trips. Yeah, I'm still working on that.....

4. What is your favorite childhood memory?

Any memories of Christmas time.

5. If you could be a superhero, what superpower would you want to have?

Healing. I would love to be able to touch someone and heal whatever ails them physically or mentally. I guess that's why I became a nurse.

6. What is your most prized possession?

As far as inanimate objects go, my iphone, computer, and camera.

7. What is the most random thing you have in your closet right now?

Well, I keep my closet pretty cleaned out so nothing too random in there but.... I can tell you something random I have in my freezer. I know it's crazy, but I have one bag of frozen breastmilk in the freezer. I should really throw it away but it has sentimental value. Yes, I know I can't keep it forever but maybe I'll let it stay in there for a little longer....

8. What is your favorite movie?

Easy... Gone with the wind.

9. What is something that you have a hard time saying "no" to?

Anything sweet. I love desserts.

10. If you could have lunch with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?

Oh goodness....My grandpa.

11. What would you consider your "dream job?"

Stay at home mom, writer, nurse. I guess I'm doing a little of all those!

And there are so many blogs that I read that deserve this award but here are 11 of my favorites!

1. The Next Step

2. The O'Shields Family

3. The Flynn Quads

4. O'Leary Love

5. Our Forever

6. Edwin, Jess, & Peyton

7. Happy in Life, young in Love

8. jordan&shane

9. Baby D's Debut

10.Small Town Insanity

11.Decorating Memories

The questions for these bloggers to answer are as follows....

1. What is your favorite blog to read?

2. Why did you start blogging?

3. What is your most embarrasing moment?

4. Who is your favorite author?

5. What is one random thing about yourself that most people don't know?

6. How did you meet your spouse?

7. What is your favoite thing to do when you have me time?

8. What would you say your biggest vice is?

9. What is your favorite store to shop?

10.What year did you graduate high school?

11.How many children do you have and what are their names and ages?

PS. Rules for the Liebster Award are as follows: (1) Post 11 things about yourself, (2) Answer the questions that your nominating blogger has set for you and then create 11 questions for your nominees, (3) choose up to 11 blogs to nominate and link them in your post, (4) go to their respective blogs and let them know, and (5) no tag backs!

I am SO excited to read your answers. Congrats on your award!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Happy Monday!!

Happy Monday Morning!! Glad to be off today. Thank you to myself for such an awesome work schedule;)
Flipping through my iphone I noticed that I am again behind on sharing pictures. I really think scrolling through a person's phone album gives the best story of their everyday life. Luckily, I take lots of iphone pics!:)

Kat and I pre birthday party festivities one Saturday

My husband and I with flower girl Bella at a friends wedding reception

Hailey and I out to eat at Friday's

Kat riding somewhere in the car. I just noticed she is not wearing her seatbelt properly. Hmmm, we will have to have a talk about that. Daddy might write me a ticket!;)
Bella riding in a birthday present from grandparents
Bella's new robe fetish. This one belongs to Kat

We wear lots of costumes all throughout the day at our house. And every now and then Bella will get the mop and broom and try to "clean up". Sorry for the blurry quality but it was too cute not to post.

Wearing her new birthday suit from Aunt Crystal while working Uncle Chris' iphone better than any adult ever thought about doing. Seriously, the child is an iphone expert

Best walk thru baby gate EVER. Thank you Grandma!

Self portrait by Bella

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Yummy Lemon Butter Shrimp

I just had to share this super easy recipe for cooking shrimp. I am always on the look out for affordable, quick recipes that make it easy for me to cook for my family. This definitely fits those requirements and is just as delicious as it looks! Unfortunately we found out this past weekend after making this that Bella has a shrimp allergy. So even though we cannot make this as a family meal, I would be remiss if I didn't share it with those that can. It really is SO yummy!


2 pounds of thawed shrimp (I used 2 bags of frozen shrimp from the grocery store)

2 large lemons

1 cup butter, melted

Fresh basil

2 packets of italian seasoning (on the salad dressing aisle)

Optional Seasonings



Old Bay seasoning


Put shrimp into a large ziplock bag and pour in two packets of italian seasoning

Shake the bag until all shrimp are well coated with seasoning

Pour melted butter into the bottom of a foil lined pan (for easy cleanup)

Layer lemon slices and desired amount of fresh basil onto pan

Place your shrimp evenly on the pan

Sprinkle with salt, pepper, and old bay seasoning

Bake in oven on 350 for 15-20 minutes


Thursday, July 19, 2012

Our new friend epipen jr

Well, this past weekend I made a lovely meal of lemon butter shrimp and scallops. Absolutely delicious! I cut up 2 shrimp into small pieces and placed them on Bella's plate with her other food.

A couple of minutes later I heard a funny little coughing noise coming from Bella and checked on her to find big, puffy, red lips and a red rash making its way all around her mouth. I think her throat must have been itchy or swelling which caused her to make the coughing noise. Of course, I knew immediately she was having a bad allergic reaction to the shrimp. I quickly gave her benadryl and watched her carefully for any signs that her breathing was impaired. Luckily, she had only taken a very small bite of the shrimp and the benadryl eventually helped to resolve the swelling and rash.

Of course my mind wanders to what in the world would have happened if she had eaten more of the shrimp before I noticed. She reacted so quickly and severly to such a small amt of shrimp that her pediatrician called in some epipens in case she is exposed again. And also we don't know what else she may be allergic to and how she will react. So from now on I will be keeping one of these in her diaper bag and one at home.

The below picture was taken well after the benadryl was given and I could tell she was getting better. I wanted to take a picture to show her pediatrician so I snapped the one below.
I feel bad for her that she will never be able to enjoy shrimp. It's one of my favorite foods. And I know I will hardly ever eat it anymore because I won't want to risk her getting any. But I am thankful that we now know that she has the allergy and that I was there and caught it before it became life threatening. Anyone else have a child with severe food allergies??

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Blogger 411 link up~ All you need to know about me!

I've never done a link up post before but this one looks pretty fun so here goes! I'm linking with Becky at From Mrs to Mama. She's a full time nurse and mama who somehow manages to look fabulous while juggling it all. Love her blog:)

1. How long have you been blogging? And what got you started on blogging? Has your blog changed?

I started blogging as kind of an online scrapbook to journal about our lives and keep up with all our family milestones. I've had a blog for 3 years but the first year totally doesn't count, I think I only blogged a few times that first year.

2. Did you go to college? If so where, and what did you study?

I went to Peace College (my major was communications) in Raleigh, NC after graduating high school. Through a friend I met at Peace, I was introduced to my husband who was on his senior year at NC State. I also went to Edgecombe community college where I recieved my ADN in nursing.

3. Where have you traveled?

Hmmm, all over the eastern U.S., and the bahamas.

4. If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy?

Oh goodness, a house right on the ocean with a pool!

5. What are your 3 biggest pet peeves?

Meddlers, cheaters, and fake southern accents.

6. What is your favorite movie?

Gone with the Wind!

7. What is your drink of choice; wine, beer, or liquor. Or Water, Soda, Tea?

Dt. Dr. Pepper and Moscato wine.

8. What is something you enjoy to do when you have me time?

Shopping and reading.

9. If you could have a $10,000 shopping spree to one store, which store would it be?

Oh gosh, this is hard. Ikea!

10. Share with us an embarrassing moment of your past? Or present.

I would say taking my screaming newborn out of the car after attempting to nurse her and walking her up and down the side of the road waiting for my husband to meet me. He pulled up in his patrol car and had a shocked look on his face. Yep, you guessed. I forgot to put my boob back. That side of my shirt was still hiked up exposing all as I walked her right next to the road. At the time due to lack of sleep, raging hormones, and general post delivery brain mush, I could have cared less. Looking back...kinda embarrassing:)

11. What day would you love to relive again?

Please can I pick 3- The births of my 3 children.

12. If your life was turned into a movie... what actor would play you?

Reese Witherspoon. She just reminds me of myself.

13. What are the jobs you had in high school/college/the early years?

Hostess at Carrabba's, Counselor at YMCA, Telemetry tech.

14. Show us a picture from high school or college.

This was totally before I had this computer and would require some hunting through albums. I'll do it later. Promise.

15. If you could travel anywhere in the world, all expenses paid, where would you go?

London, London, London!

16. Show us the most current picture of you or you, or your family, or anything of meaning to you.

17. Where do you see your life 5 years from now?

Oh wow, well I hope that I have accomplished some things on my bucket list, that our family is all healthy happy, successful, and most importantly together! Oh yeah, and living at the beach!!!

P.S. Stay tuned for Bella's 2 year update later this week!:)

Friday, July 13, 2012

It does exist! A sippy cup that doesn't leak!:)

I just wanted to do a quick update on the leaky sippy cup issue. I have tried literally all sippy cups made to man (ok maybe not, but close). Finally, I tried the Gerber graduate nuk sippy cup and no leaks!! The valves are plastic and easy to clean with no mildewy stuff that gets stuck in the nooks and crannys of some of the other brands. They are not the cutest or most unique looking cups, but they are the only ones I buy now. I am done cleaning spots from leaking drinks on the couch, carpet and carseat! Hope this helps anyone who may have been dealing with the leaky sippy cup issue:)

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Pearls of Wisdom

This morning I read the most beautiful piece written by Sibi on the blog Pearls and Grace . I think this can speak to everyone.....
Source: Pearls and Grace~ This weekend while you are enjoying your family, not worrying and trusting God on a new level... I would love for you to think this thought....all weekend. God can. Whenever you start to doubt, worry, fret or fear. Just begin to think and speak these two words. God can. God can heal your land. God can restore your finances. God can renew your faith. God can open doors no man can shut. God can redeem a friendship. God can bring forth opportunities. God can give you favor like you have never known. God can pour out fresh ideas for your business, ministry, marriage and family. God can teach you anything and everything. God can heal your broken heart. God can provide in supernatural ways. God can show you how to be the wife your husband needs. God can show you how to minister to the hearts of your children. God can speed up the adoption process. God can bring forth your spouse. God can bless you with two pink lines. God can soften hardened hearts. God can silence those who have tried to rise up against you. God can offer a new beginning. God can bring forth true friends. God can remove every obstacle in your life. God can turn the hearts of your children toward Him. God can restore the years the locust have eaten in your life. God can remove people, places and things that are holding you back. God can help you take the limits off your life. God can minister to the heart of your spouse. God can deliver your dreams right into your lap. God can open up endless possibilities..... During times of despair we can look at our life like a paint palette that has been very well used. We can believe we've made a lot of mistakes- that we weren't careful enough. That it's too late and we are too old and why did we even bother. All the colors have run together and we need a new paint palette. A better one. We can want to throw the whole thing out... We can feel like we've made a mess of the entire thing just trying to do life. But God can step right in and reveal truths. Life changing truths. That actually what we thought was a mess has become a beautiful palette that He will use as a platform. That every hardship, every crisis, every setback, every painful thing that the enemy meant for harm, God will use for our good and His glory. When the colors of our life run together, beauty can come forth. Beauty can come out of messes.... God can use it all and be glorified in it and bless not only our life but others as well. The creator is standing there this weekend holding our messy palettes and waiting for us to relinquish control and hand Him the brush. He is the author and the finisher. Not man. God alone. And when we start to feel that it is over and what a mess and surely this must be the end....we can rest assured that then, it is only the beginning.... He is just getting started beautiful friends. It is not over. It is not too late. You are not too old or too young. There is not a mess too big that the Creator cannot commission something glorious out of your life and mine. God can. In the most beautiful and magnificent ways...

Thursday, July 5, 2012

A little bit of this and a little bit of that;)

As usual, I am always playing catch up on my blog. I think if I get a few posts in a month then I'm doing good! A couple of weeks ago we took off with the girls for Myrtle Beach for the week. We have fabulous family friends that let us stay at their place right on the ocean. It was so nice to be able to walk out our door and right onto the beach. The location was wonderful with lots of other children, an ocean side restaraunt that had a live band every night and fireworks over the water that we could watch right from our porch. This week was all about the girls (My husband and I have our own little vacation coming soon;). We filled it with lots boogy boarding, pooltime, walks on the boardwalk, ice cream, shopping, you name it! This is our second visit this year but the first one was packed full of cheer competition stuff so we made sure to do all the things we didn't get to do last time!
And just for fun here is a video of Bella dancing on the beach. She is quite a dancer in my humble opinion;)

Well, all good things must come to an end and after our week was over we headed back to home and work. Unfortunately, Michael was scheduled to work July 4th (along with every other holiday this year, I think). So the girls and I spent it together. We started out, as we do with all holidays big and small, learning about the history of the holiday. Why we celebrate it. I think it is so important and a vital part of my job as a parent, not to allow my children to grow up thinking important holidays are only about cookouts, presents, food, ect. So while we did have fun celebrating we also had a good time learning all about why we were celebrating!
Next on the agenda to celebrate is Bella's 2nd Birthday July 17th! And with that comes her 2 year update. If you'd like to look back over her life I have month by month updates of Bella's first year and then every 6 months during her 2nd year. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!:)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July! Please remember WHY we celebrate!

This morning at our house has been spent teaching the girls what the Declaration of Independence is about, what our founding father's believed in and fought for, and what we continue to fight for. Hopefully, this country can get some leadership that believes in this as well. There is a serious abuse of the system going on and I hope to one day see it corrected. In the words of our fore fathers......