After preparing so long for Bella, it is such a treat to finally have her here. I have been savoring this time because I know it is our last baby! It is so interesting to see how Hailey and Mary Kathryn have adjusted their roles since Bella has arrived. Hailey, who has always been independant, now is even more so. She loves to help with household chores and jumped at the chance to help take care of me during my 1st week of recovery. She too has reached a milestone this month. She has gone off to camp for the week for the first time. I cryed like a baby when she left, but she was too excited about going to get sad. Michael took her and helped her get settled and said that she had no problem jumping right in. I was so glad to see her again!!! Mary Kathryn has had her share of changes since bringing the baby home as well. She is now more independant, outgoing, and acts a lot more "growny". She also loves helping me with the baby and doesn't mind running to get diapers, wipes, ect. She still has her "baby moments" but she really has grown in leaps and bounds since Bella's arrival. It is amazing to see her go from the baby role to the big girl role. I still can't believe she will soon be a kindergartner.

Bella has also been changing a little everyday. She has been much more alert and has been opening her eyes more and more. She has been breastfeeding like a champ and seems to be gaining weight well. At her weight check Friday she had gained back up to 7pds 10ounces. She is now almost back to her birth weight! Now I will start focusing on getting her on a feeding schedule. I had forgotten how tiring it can be to feed every 1.5 to 2 hours night and day. I hope to have her on an every 3 hour schedule within the next couple of weeks. To our excitement Bella took a bottle of breast milk from Michael last night with no problem at all. Introducing a bottle was such an ordeal with our previous two children but Bella immediately took to it without a fight. I am relieved that she is now able to do this since it allows me to run errands occasionally without taking her along. Thank goodness Bella is a very good baby and only cries when she is hungry or needs changing. She loves being swaddled in her adan+anais swaddling blankets and sleeps best when she is swaddled in one. I saw these recommended on a friend's blog and ordered them online. They arrived the day before Bella was born and I began swaddling her in them right away. They have been one of the best baby purchases I have made and I would recommend them to any new mom! She has also loved being propped up on her boppy. The boppy has endless uses and has been one of my very favorite baby gifts. I really can't believe Bella is finally here and I feel so lucky to have such a beautiful, healthy baby!

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